Rogue Truck Slams into Chicago’s Andrew Rafacz Gallery, Destroying a Sculpture and Damaging the Building
“There is no easy way to tell an artist you admire that their work has been destroyed,” Rafacz said.
“There is no easy way to tell an artist you admire that their work has been destroyed,” Rafacz said.
Here’s what we’re reading this morning.
Curators leaving the museum world for the market used to be a rare occurrence, but it is these days happening with greater frequency.
The museum will not, however, be returning the £500,000 it was gifted from the Sackler Trust before opening in 2018.
Green spaces, some of which date to the 19th century, have been torn down in the name of modernity.
A priest’s remains were discovered, buried beneath six layers of ash mixed with black earth.
The gallery does not currently have plans to open a space in Seoul.
Valued at $6 million, the toilet was lifted during an early morning heist several years ago.
She wrestled with the male-dominated history of sculpture, reusing found Styrofoam in her art.
The artifact was meant to be worn by priests during funeral ceremonies.