At our art studio, we provide Chinese painting class for kids above 6 years old. Chinese painting is different from other types of paintings. For example, sketch oil painting can be modified at any time; Chinese painting takes shape and cannot be changed. So you can exercise your child’s ability to judge. Cultivate children’s thinking ability and psychological quality of “daring, careful, truth-seeking”.
“师者,传道、授业、解惑也” “Teacher, preaching, teaching, solving puzzles”, in this Chinese old saying, the teacher’s words and deeds are the key to children’s Chinese painting learning. The teacher is not only simply teaching techniques, but also an example, also to convey the traditional Chinese culture and elegant aesthetics. Teachers must not only have excellent professional quality, but also have a certain cultural heritage and a certain aesthetic.
Any study requires persistence, and any study will encounter difficulties. When the child encounters difficulties, parents should encourage their children to face them and solve them, instead of stopping or giving up halfway when they encounter difficulties. Perhaps when you are most difficult and confused, it is the critical moment of progress. Solving difficulties will lead to progress, and every progress is the driving force to persevere and move forward.
If you are interested in our Chinese painting course for junior, please check out our class details @